IT Sector


Acuant is an identity verification, document authentication and fraud prevention technology services provider headquartered in Los Angeles, with engineering and development centers in New Hampshire and Israel. Products include ID capture and auto-fill software, ID authentication, biometric facial recognition, facial image matching, and CHIP/RFID reading

Boom Edam

Boon Edam is the world leader in secured entry solutions and revolving doors. We are a 150-year-old Dutch family business who pride ourselves on our commitment to our customers.

Azteca Messenger

Azteca Messenger Services se inició como una empresa de mensajería que gradualmente fue sumando más áreas de soporte para sus clientes, creciendo hasta llegar a ser un socio multinivel que brinda desde servicios operativos hasta el desarrollo de acciones de Marketing en diferentes plataformas y la creación de nuevos canales de venta. Además, nuestros profesionales brindan asesoría estratégica a nuestros clientes y socios de negocios.

Cima Tech

En Cimatech asesoramos, distribuimos y damos soporte técnico a nuestros clientes de los sistemas CAD/CAM/CAE más potentes y productivos del mercado

Digital Alchemy

Back in 2003, there was no real market for what we do today. Regan and Julian founded DA with a vision to drive customer-centric transformation by automating a frictionless synergy between data intelligence and dynamic decisioning. With this in mind we have invested heavily in areas that have helped answer the biggest pain points of our clients and the industry. By establishing a trusted partner relationship with each of our clients, we continue on a mission to achieve shared goals through customer-centric decisioning and transforming their communications.


Quadient supports hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide in their quest to create relevant, personalized connections and achieve customer experience excellence. Our solutions make it possible for organizations to continuously and automatically create and deliver meaningful interactions when it matters most – consistently across all channels.

HTC Group

HTC convierte ideas brillantes en realidad gracias a su innovación líder en dispositivos móviles inteligentes y un diseño basado en la experiencia. Comenzamos con la visión de colocar un ordenador personal en la palma de la mano de nuestros clientes y hemos liderado el camino de la evolución del palm PC al smartphone.